Android Usenet Reader v1.5 is available in market
Version 1.5
- Do not append "Re: " at the start of the reply title if the title already is start with "Re:"
- Fix the problem of incorrect "Prev / Next Thread Index" in Article
- Fix the problem of cannot list headline with group name have Upper Case chars (matrix.person.raycity-DIGITALZONE)
- Add a Max number of headline list in "Setting" for loadling top n headline in list (temporary solution to slow load speed if cached large number of article (say > 30000))
- Change the password edit text as password dot text
- Fix the problem of non-HK country phone cannot list / view message
2010年3月23日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)
34 則留言:
can't search at market in tattoo
> can't search at market in tattoo
Sorry to hear that. I will upload my app to tonite. SlideMe is an alternative to Android Market.
I found a big problem that will miss some article within thread.
I quickly hot fix it and upload to market. Latest version of AUR now is 1.6.
> can't search at market in tattoo
I know the cause now and will try to fix in next version.
reason why some apps cannot be listed in tattoo phone:
謝謝釋出Usenet Reader,介面不錯,但有部份箭咀作用要靠估先知道用途,如可以加細字標示會比較好一點。
機器 : T-Mobile G1 OS V1.6 official
另外Fetching Message 方面有問題,情況如下 :
1. 當入到去message 的板面後,推開Keyboard 轉Display 方向,會導致長時間 Fetching message ,只能以back 退出fetching message。
2. 按連結出 Browser (Dolphin Browser) 後再回Usenet Reader ,都會導致長時間 Fetching message,並且在按back 退出fetching message,並沒有任何Post。
THX ...
終於等到Usenet Apps啦!十分感謝!
我用的是HTC Hero,發文和覆文都流暢,且版面簡潔,不花巧,很不錯!不過reply to newsgroup時,前文者的名稱會被刪去,如果保留會比較好。另外,看文的時候,如果可以有些方法跳到去某thread的第幾回覆或最新的回覆的話,可能更不錯呢。
> 如果可以有些方法跳到去某thread的第幾回覆或最新的回覆的話,可能更不錯呢。
係 article 度 press "menu" -> tap "Thread" 可以去 Thread View. Thread View 可以跳 Thread 來睇.
係 Headline View click 入睇 Article 時已會自動跳去第一條未 read 的 article.
Please leave comment in Market and help me to rank a Star.
Hi! It is still unable to download the latest thread when we haven't run this software for couple days...
It just show the old threads. I am using Hero with official rom(HK) Thank you!
Thanks to your comment. I will change it like outlook express does but I need some time for testing. Will state it in changes log once the problem is solved.
Hi Ken,
First of all, thanks so much for this nice app! The interface looks good and is easy to read!
I'm using Milestone and upgraded to Android version 2.1. I found that many of the treads (not all treads) are shown in wrong encoding, although the menu of headlines could be shown correctly. By the way, before upgrading Android to version 2.1, there was no problem. I'm not sure if this is the reason...
Anyway, hope it could be fixed and I really enjoy using this app! Thanks!
In newsgroup view, pls long click newsgroup and then 'server options'. Check the charset is correct or not.
If you are browsing HK local newsgroup, pls select "big5" as charset.
The reason why new Milestone 2.1 rom has such problem is because the rom come with non TW / TW locale and therefor the default charset will set to utf-8 instead of big5.
Milestone 2.1
昨日在market下載, 但發覺不能載入 news server list。清單內沒有任何資料, 等了 幾分鐘 亦沒有反應。
> 昨日在market下載, 但發覺不能載入 news server list。清單內沒有任何資料, 等了 幾分鐘 亦沒有反應。
Default server list will only available to android phone with Locale set to Hong Kong / TW.
For those non-hk locale phone, like Nexus One and Milestone 2.1. You have to manually add server:
press menu -> Add Server -> enter usenet server host name -> ok -> back -> Add Group
I will improve these UI flow later.
and for these non HK / TW locale phone, please remember to set charset (set to big5) in "Server Options" in order to having correct decoding when browsing Hong Kong local usenet group.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Thanks ken, i have fixed the problem of android 2.1 encoding, many thanks!!! 都係出唔到post
--> Default server list will only available to android phone with Locale set to Hong Kong / TW.
For those non-hk locale phone, like Nexus One and Milestone 2.1. You have to manually add server:
press menu -> Add Server -> enter usenet server host name -> ok -> back -> Add Group
I will improve these UI flow later.
Hope to have a new version because it will change the language if locale is changed.
Thanks for your reply.
Hi, Please delete the group "long click the group -> delete" and add it again to try.
Please try version 1.10. There are many posts got deleted inside wonderspace which cause error in AUR.
can I get the most updated post when the usenet reader fetch the headline ?
In my case, I will use your reader for a long interval. I need fetch so many time to get the most updated post when I start to use.
Please consider it for amendment.
> can I get the most updated post when the usenet reader fetch the headline ?
AUR Version 1.11 can load the latest headline like outlook express does. This version is still under testing but will be in market very very soon.
請問 Desire 可以用嗎?
因我選好了 Newsgroup 後, 不能 fetching headlines.
> 請問 Desire 可以用嗎?
> 因我選好了 Newsgroup 後, 不能 fetching headlines.
It should be ok. Which group you are browsing?
你好! 我是用HTC desire的.
usenet reader能夠post相去newsgroup實在非常好用,
所以就唔可以即影即post ....... ><"
如果能夠Multitouch放大縮細,就能更清楚看到post裏面的圖了 !!!
謝謝&請繼續努力 !!!! :)
> 所以就唔可以即影即post ....... ><"
You can try the new Footprints function in version 1.12. It will auto resize image before post to newsgroup.
"Footprints" 這個function真的不錯 !!!
現在圖片post出來size感覺細了點 ~~
many many Thanks !!!!!!!
支持! 努力 !!
> 如果resize後可以讓圖片大一點會更好
> 現在圖片post出來size感覺細了點 ~~
下一個 version 可以改回大一點
其本上是好好用的~ 只是有時某一些post出現亂碼,請問如果解決?? 謝謝~
Nice app, but some Chinese characters will change to ??, why is that?