Please help to rank STAR and comment this app in market.
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Demo Video:
Part 1:
Part 2:
* Changes Log:
Version 1.15 (2010-08-14)
- Can press Volume Up / Volume Down button for next / prev thread
- Can download the latest n full messages in group
- Revise charset list in 'Server Option View'
- Rewrite nntp client, use mime4j instead of old javamail for better performance
In next version, I will add more support for REAL offline reading. Let you config your synchronization settings of your subscribed group:
(1) sync new headlines only
(2) sync headlines only
(3) sync new full messages only
(4) sync full messages
(5) sync full messages when wifi
2010年8月14日 星期六
2010年7月27日 星期二
Android Usenet Reader version 1.14 is available in market
Please help to rank a STAR and comment this app in market.
Please send me email or leave message here for any inquiry.
Version 1.14 (2010-07-27)
- Fix the problem of invalid charset encoding in footprints posting
- Fix the problem of incorrect subject decoding
- Fix the problem of no response when pressing 'Test' in Add Server View
- Fix the problem of cannot 'Mark Thread as Read' in Headline View
- Fix the problem of incorrect encoding of group name (
- Fix the problem of cannot filter non-ascii newsgroup name in Select Newsgroup View
- Fix the problem of 'select never in delete old articles'
- Fix the problem of missing delete attachment in 'Delete old articles'
- Further fix the problem of incorrect orientation in CameraView with Android 2.2
- Fine tune the performance of 'Mark Thread as Read / UnRead'
- Fine tune the performance of 'Delete old articles'
- Fine tune the performance of 'Delete all articles' / 'Reset group' of group
- Fine tune article load speed
- Change the data type of message date to integer instead of text for performance tuning
- Change the resize scale of image uploaded and picture taken
- Add 'More' menu
- Add progress dialog for 'Reset Newsgroup', 'Delete Newsgroup' and 'Regenerate Index'
- Add 'Delete all articles of all groups'
Please send me email or leave message here for any inquiry.
Version 1.14 (2010-07-27)
- Fix the problem of invalid charset encoding in footprints posting
- Fix the problem of incorrect subject decoding
- Fix the problem of no response when pressing 'Test' in Add Server View
- Fix the problem of cannot 'Mark Thread as Read' in Headline View
- Fix the problem of incorrect encoding of group name (
- Fix the problem of cannot filter non-ascii newsgroup name in Select Newsgroup View
- Fix the problem of 'select never in delete old articles'
- Fix the problem of missing delete attachment in 'Delete old articles'
- Further fix the problem of incorrect orientation in CameraView with Android 2.2
- Fine tune the performance of 'Mark Thread as Read / UnRead'
- Fine tune the performance of 'Delete old articles'
- Fine tune the performance of 'Delete all articles' / 'Reset group' of group
- Fine tune article load speed
- Change the data type of message date to integer instead of text for performance tuning
- Change the resize scale of image uploaded and picture taken
- Add 'More' menu
- Add progress dialog for 'Reset Newsgroup', 'Delete Newsgroup' and 'Regenerate Index'
- Add 'Delete all articles of all groups'
2010年7月4日 星期日
Android Usenet Reader version 1.13 is available in Market
Android Usenet Reader version 1.13 is available in Market
Please comment and rank a STAR in market.
Version 1.13 (2010-07-04)
- Add support for SSL
- Add server option for setting usenet server port
- Add server option for using SSL connection
- Add About dialog
- Fix the problem of incorrect orientation in CameraView with Android 2.2
- Fix the problem of not listing in market for Tattoo phone
- Fine tune the performance of delete old article
Please comment and rank a STAR in market.
Version 1.13 (2010-07-04)
- Add support for SSL
- Add server option for setting usenet server port
- Add server option for using SSL connection
- Add About dialog
- Fix the problem of incorrect orientation in CameraView with Android 2.2
- Fix the problem of not listing in market for Tattoo phone
- Fine tune the performance of delete old article
2010年6月1日 星期二
Android Usenet Reader version 1.11 is available on market
Android Usenet Reader version 1.11 is available on market
* Version 1.11 Fix the problem of incorrect image ordering
* List preference by category (add list separators)
* Add preference for not auto fetching headline when enter group
* Add preference for deleting old articles
* Delete preference for 'HTTP Compression'
* Fix the problem of showing negative number in newsgroup view
* Attach image file when new article
* Load latest headlines first like Outlook express does
* Add a view for showing message index bar of current group
* Bulk fetching headlines of all subscribed groups
* Fix the problem of not listing on market with Android 2.2 phone
* Version 1.10 Fix the problem of cannot list headlines if there are over 100 messages are deleted (at server) from the top
* Fix the problem of cannot list headlines if latest number of group is less than Max_Fetch
* Version 1.9 Fix the problem of Force Close when changing orientation of phone
* Version 1.8 Add a reply_to wrote: at the start of content when reply email
Comming funtions and features in next release
* Can upload taken pciture with GRS data when posting article
* Bulk fetching full messages in thread
* Version 1.11 Fix the problem of incorrect image ordering
* List preference by category (add list separators)
* Add preference for not auto fetching headline when enter group
* Add preference for deleting old articles
* Delete preference for 'HTTP Compression'
* Fix the problem of showing negative number in newsgroup view
* Attach image file when new article
* Load latest headlines first like Outlook express does
* Add a view for showing message index bar of current group
* Bulk fetching headlines of all subscribed groups
* Fix the problem of not listing on market with Android 2.2 phone
* Version 1.10 Fix the problem of cannot list headlines if there are over 100 messages are deleted (at server) from the top
* Fix the problem of cannot list headlines if latest number of group is less than Max_Fetch
* Version 1.9 Fix the problem of Force Close when changing orientation of phone
* Version 1.8 Add a reply_to
Comming funtions and features in next release
* Can upload taken pciture with GRS data when posting article
* Bulk fetching full messages in thread
2010年3月24日 星期三
Android Usenet Reader (AUR) version 1.7 is available in market.
1. Please kindly help to test it.
2. Please leave comment in market.
3. Please rank a star for this app in market
4. Report bug at
Youtube demo:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Please report bug here:
Changes log:
Version 1.6 Hot fix for the problem of missing article in thread list
Version 1.7 Try to fix the problem of AUR is not listing in Tattoo
Fix the problem of cannot post article with manual-added server
2. Please leave comment in market.
3. Please rank a star for this app in market
4. Report bug at
Youtube demo:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Please report bug here:
Changes log:
Version 1.6 Hot fix for the problem of missing article in thread list
Version 1.7 Try to fix the problem of AUR is not listing in Tattoo
Fix the problem of cannot post article with manual-added server
2010年3月23日 星期二
Android Usenet Reader v1.5 is available in market
Android Usenet Reader v1.5 is available in market
Version 1.5
- Do not append "Re: " at the start of the reply title if the title already is start with "Re:"
- Fix the problem of incorrect "Prev / Next Thread Index" in Article
- Fix the problem of cannot list headline with group name have Upper Case chars (matrix.person.raycity-DIGITALZONE)
- Add a Max number of headline list in "Setting" for loadling top n headline in list (temporary solution to slow load speed if cached large number of article (say > 30000))
- Change the password edit text as password dot text
- Fix the problem of non-HK country phone cannot list / view message
Version 1.5
- Do not append "Re: " at the start of the reply title if the title already is start with "Re:"
- Fix the problem of incorrect "Prev / Next Thread Index" in Article
- Fix the problem of cannot list headline with group name have Upper Case chars (matrix.person.raycity-DIGITALZONE)
- Add a Max number of headline list in "Setting" for loadling top n headline in list (temporary solution to slow load speed if cached large number of article (say > 30000))
- Change the password edit text as password dot text
- Fix the problem of non-HK country phone cannot list / view message
2010年3月19日 星期五
Android Usenet Reader v1.4
Usenet Android Reader v1.4 changes log:
1. fine tune database indexing, browsing thread is very slow if total number of messages is greater than 20000. v1.4 improved it a lot.
2. fix the problem of big5-scs problem (Unknow message show in article body) in android 1.6 or below.
3. reset (or delete) server option when delete all messages of a usenet server.
4. add thread browsing in tree-like view. Press 'menu' in article and press 'Thread'. Support jumping to particular message in thread.
5. set the cursor to first position in content text field when replying a message
2010年3月10日 星期三
Android Usenet Reader in android market
uploaded to market! Please use keyword 'Usenet' to search.
Or use QR code:

Please comment and report bug here.
Or use QR code:

Please comment and report bug here.
2010年3月9日 星期二
Android Usenet Reader Server List 最後召集
以下 Server 會加入 Android Usenet Reader 的預設 Server 清單中.
預設清單裡的 server 可以無限 subscribe newsgroup
非預設清單內的 server 只可以 subscribe 一個 newsgroup
原意是想優惠本地 Server subscriber.
如有其他本地 server 不在此列.
預設清單裡的 server 可以無限 subscribe newsgroup
非預設清單內的 server 只可以 subscribe 一個 newsgroup
原意是想優惠本地 Server subscriber.
如有其他本地 server 不在此列.
2010年3月3日 星期三
Android Usenet Reader
Please leave me message if you have comment of my android apps.
Yes! It's not yet in market. Just a beta test...

Yes! It's not yet in market. Just a beta test...

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