2010年3月19日 星期五

Android Usenet Reader v1.4

Usenet Android Reader v1.4 changes log:

1. fine tune database indexing, browsing thread is very slow if total number of messages is greater than 20000. v1.4 improved it a lot.
2. fix the problem of big5-scs problem (Unknow message show in article body) in android 1.6 or below.
3. reset (or delete) server option when delete all messages of a usenet server.
4. add thread browsing in tree-like view. Press 'menu' in article and press 'Thread'. Support jumping to particular message in thread.
5. set the cursor to first position in content text field when replying a message

6 則留言:

gary 提到...

server news.mythings.hk 都係add到group load唔到post.. 謝謝

DragonKen 提到...

It's fixed in version 1.5 and 1.5 is still under testing in my htc magic before real release.


gary 提到...

THX a lot ,ken

w 提到...

still not working with server wonderfuland.net, only post header received but no messages. Tested on my htc magic & nexus one.

DragonKen 提到...

Thanks to your bug report. The problem will only happen on phone which has non-hk country locale like you. I will fix it in version 1.5.

gary 提到...

1.5版 load到 news.mythings.hk 既post不過出唔到post..