2010年8月14日 星期六

Android Usenet Reader version 1.15 is available in market

Please help to rank STAR and comment this app in market.

Please send me email (kentsang77@gmail.com) or leave message here for any inquiry.

Demo Video:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Iac_rcjDc
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Owj2T-BI03o

* Changes Log:

Version 1.15 (2010-08-14)
- Can press Volume Up / Volume Down button for next / prev thread
- Can download the latest n full messages in group
- Revise charset list in 'Server Option View'
- Rewrite nntp client, use mime4j instead of old javamail for better performance

In next version, I will add more support for REAL offline reading. Let you config your synchronization settings of your subscribed group:

(1) sync new headlines only
(2) sync headlines only
(3) sync new full messages only
(4) sync full messages
(5) sync full messages when wifi


3 則留言:

Sam 提到...

Hi Ken,

all the Chinese characters will turn to question mark in some threads, could you please fix the problem?


fk0 提到...

Please remove annoying signature! Use "User-Agent:" header line instead. This signature stops me from using Android Usenet Reader for posting.

Unknown 提到...

it's important to include in the full version, the ability to mark the posts to be followed (perhaps in a different color).
I hope that soon you could make a change log because it is a really primary function.
Best regards